Our common ground needs our help

By Nancy Black

One hundred ten. That’s how many volunteers from one local group showed up to help clean White Rock Lake this past weekend. That’s a lot of people — all masked and gloved up — united for a common cause. I wish that could be our community’s collective theme moving forward in 2021 — United for a Common Cause.

Don’t we all want to run, walk or bike around the White Rock Lake without seeing trash? Don’t we all want to picnic with our friends and families without worrying about what we’re going to step on or in? Don’t we all want to see sailboats bobbing on the water and not plastic bottles floating by? I say, “Yes!”

So, let’s do it. Every second Saturday, For the Love of the Lake holds a shoreline cleanup. All supplies are provided in a COVID safe environment. Volunteers tackle the trash from land and via kayaks. The next Shoreline Cleanup-up is on Feb. 13 at 8 a.m. Let’s unite for a common cause we can all agree on — White Rock Lake.