Dallas’ largest Shabbat dinner unites

In an inspiring response to the recent upheaval in Israel and a global rise in antisemitism, more than 500 young Jewish professionals gathered for Dallas’ largest Shabbat dinner. The event, organized by The InTown Chabad Dallas, was a powerful evening of unity, heritage and resilience at Griggs Park.

Photo courtesy of The InTown Chabad Dallas.

“Seeing our community come together, especially in these trying times, is a testament to the enduring spirit of Jewish pride and heritage,” said Rabbi Mendy Plotkin of The Intown Chabad. “In the face of adversity, our answer is to celebrate life and unity. This Shabbat, we stood together, not just in defiance of hatred, but in celebration of our rich and vibrant heritage.”

The event commenced with Shabbat candle lighting, followed by a heartfelt prayer for the hostages still in Hamas captivity. Highlighting the evening was a personal account from an IDF soldier who has served on the frontlines, sharing his experiences and the strength found in unity.

The evening program began with candle lighting, a prayer service and speeches from young adult leaders followed by a traditional Shabbat dinner and presentations.

The poignant gathering of 500 Jews on Griggs Park’s historic lawn was a public declaration that in the face of hatred, the Jewish community will continue to thrive and celebrate their heritage proudly. — Avi Winner