By Gigi Ekstrom For anyone involved in Boy Scouts, the pinnacle of achievement is to be awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. It requires sustained and diligent work to earn the many required merit badges and the completion of a major community service project. Only four percent of Scouts obtain the rank of Eagle. Lakehill, […]
When Wackym’s Kitchen recently moved in down the street from Lakewood Brewing Company, the two independently-owned businesses decided to join up for a decadent pairing. Known for crisp and crunchy, unique and classic cookie varieties, Wackym’s latest release is appropriately called The Temptress, since it uses Lakewood’s Temptress stout in the recipe. Notes of chocolate, […]
By Shelia Huffman It’s that time, again! Central Community Dog Park “Spring Festival” is on Saturday, June 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is nothing short of a dog-gone hoot with a bake sale, pooch pampering and more. Your dog will have the opportunity to run around the one-acre fenced park doing […]
By Chic DiCiccio The pitchforks and torches are on the ready. Fans are prepared to revolt and critics (including this one) are salivating at the chance to smite Disney for their opportunism. The live action remake of “Aladdin,” one of the most beloved cartoon films of all time, is ripe for dismissal. Sheath your weaponry, […]
By Sara Newberry I remember when the farthest southeast corner of Hillside Village was home to a Blockbuster Video. Now it’s home to Lakewood’s newest neighborhood favorite, Hillside Tavern. Open by the team behind local favorites Rapscallion, Boulevardier and Veritas Wine Room, it seems destined to succeed. Indeed, both times I visited, the dining room […]
By David Mullen Here we go again. On May 14, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in essence tabled the controversial topic regarding “student-athletes” being compensated to an internal committee. The issue comes up almost every year, about the time that universities are gearing up for their upcoming — and very lucrative — football seasons. […]
By Nancy Black My dear friend was sobbing. She’d been purging her house this past weekend and it had stirred up a lot of emotion. Boxes had piled up, furniture got moved from one room to another, and her home was now a disaster area of clutter. But that is not what bothered her the […]
By Dr. Beth Leermakers Animals have been used to wage wars for thousands of years. Starting in about 1500 BC, horses were first used to pull chariots in battle. Around 900 BC, warriors commonly rode horses into battle. Throughout the years, horses have played several important roles in military history, including transportation, reconnaissance missions, cavalry […]
Summer is just around the corner, but you don’t need a calendar to know that it’s getting hot outside. For many, the rising temperatures means hiding inside with the A/C blasting. But not everyone is so fortunate. So, to assist the community, Lowest Greenville is hosting a fan and window unit drive benefiting Adult Protective […]