Dallas Park and Recreation Department (DPARD) is allowing the For the Love of the Lake (FTLOTL) office to open Saturday, Jan. 9 at 8 a.m. for a drive through only (do not get out of your vehicle) to pick up supplies for a restricted cleanup service program. The trash grabbers (litter sticks) will be sanitized before being placed in your vehicle. While picking up trash in the park, please comply with Governor Abbott’s orders by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing from anyone other than those living in the same household. Always wear your gloves. If the vehicles are backed up to Buckner Blvd., do not block any lanes on the road. Find a safe place to park and wait for an opportunity to get in line. Group gatherings must not be larger than 10 people. Please return trash grabbers no later than noon. Let’s show DPARD that volunteers can do this program safely so FTLOTL can continue the program for months, if necessary. — FTLOTL Staff Reports