Brave graduate takes on Texas legislators

Brave graduate takes on Texas legislators

By Rebecca Aguilar A few weeks ago, Paxton Smith was a high school senior ready to graduate and quietly go off to college. But now, the valedictorian is a worldwide viral sensation after delivering a surprise commencement speech against the Texas “Heartbeat Bill.”  “The speech has been blowing up everywhere, and I have been getting […]

Crime Watch — Vol 12, No. 23

Crime Watch — Vol 12, No. 23

June 1 – Midnight 11100 Block, Myrtice Dr. (75228) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s van. June 1 – 5:56 p.m. 2300 Block, N. Carroll Ave. (75204) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole the reporting person’s trailer.  June 2 – 7:45 p.m. 12600 Block, E. Northwest Hwy. (75228) […]

City puts trees at the forefront

City puts trees at the forefront

By Tristan Hollman Mayor Eric Johnson, the Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability, and the Texas Trees Foundation are pleased to announce the adoption of the first Dallas Urban Forest Master Plan. The City Council on Wednesday voted unanimously to approve the plan. “Dallas must strive to be a top city for families and a […]

Dallas wins national challenge for third time

Dallas wins national challenge for third time

By Tristan Hallman The City of Dallas has once again been named the most “water wise” large city in the United States. Dallas won in the 600,000+ population category of the 2021 Annual Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. In its category, Dallas bested No. 2 Houston, No. 3 San Diego, No. 4 Los Angeles […]

$2M gifted for new park

$2M gifted for new park

Fair Park First announced it has received a $2 million gift from the Hoblitzelle Foundation towards the 11-acre Community Park that is designated along Fitzhugh Avenue. Katie Robins, president of the Foundation, said, “Hoblitzelle Foundation is excited that the new Community Park will be not only a great attraction to Fair Park guests, but a […]

Free BLING! camp part of STEM grant

Free BLING! camp part of STEM grant

Thanks to a generous gift from Lyda Hill Philanthropies, Texas Women’s Foundation awarded $638,844 to 29 Dallas/Fort Worth nonprofit organizations to increase usage of the IF/THEN Collection. The IF/THEN Collection is the world’s largest free resource of authentic and relatable photos, videos and biographies celebrating diverse, contemporary women in STEM careers and roles. Designed to […]

East Dallas’ Patterson heads to Miss Texas pageant

East Dallas’ Patterson heads to Miss Texas pageant

By Megan Freeman Mackenzie Patterson of East Dallas was crowned Miss Piney Woods at Sam Houston State University in February, and is now headed to the Miss Texas pageant in June. Mackenzie is a freshman majoring in criminal justice, with a minor in victim studies at Sam Houston State University. Mackenzie is the daughter of […]

Crime Watch — Vol. 12, No. 22

Crime Watch — Vol. 12, No. 22

May 25 – 4 a.m. 1800 Block, N. Garrett Ave. (75206) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect stole the complainant’s motorcycle. May 26 – Noon 5300 Block, Tremont St. (75214) Burglary of a Building: An unknown suspect broke into the complainant’s storage shed and stole property. May 26 – 8:30 p.m. 2000 Block, […]

Celebrations plan to educate, inform

Celebrations plan to educate, inform

By Alejandra Martinez/KERA News In the city of Dallas, officials raised rainbow flags with the city seal at Dallas City Hall and city-operated buildings to mark the start of Pride Month, the annual nationwide celebration honoring the LGBTQ community and the individuals who fought for equality at the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.  The city […]

Free concerts set for July

Free concerts set for July

Fine Arts Chamber Players (FACP) announces its summer series, the Basically Beethoven Festival, will be produced online in July 2021. For the second consecutive year, FACP will record and share Festival performances for the Basically Beethoven Festival-in-Place. Musicians will be recorded in a concert setting and the footage will premiere online as scheduled: July 11, […]

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