By Shelia Huffman
Contestants from all throughout the state vying for the title “Ms. Texas Senior America” gathered in the beautiful Overlook Tower of CC Young Retirement Community recently to enjoy a tea in their honor.

Photo by Shelia Huffman
The Ms. Senior America Pageant is the world’s first and foremost pageant to emphasize and give honor to women 60 years old or older. It is a search for gracious and talented women who exemplify the dignity, maturity and inner beauty of all senior Americans. The pageant philosophy is based upon the belief that seniors are the foundation of America, and our most valuable treasure. From senior’s knowledge, experience and resources, the younger generation has the opportunity to build a better society. Eloquently put, the senior pageant is for women who have reached the “age of elegance.”
“This pageant does not cater to women on the cusp of adulthood but to those who have experienced life in all of its joys and sorrows. They’re still kicking — and kicking high,” Roger Kisby said in an article in The New York Times.
Texas Pageant Director Sarah Senter was Ms. Texas Senior America 2009. When asked how the pageant has changed throughout the years, Sarah said the women have always been vibrant and enthusiastic, but the talent has just gotten stronger and stronger. “I am often thankful that I’m not competing today,” she quipped!
In addition to sharing their amazing talents, the women have the opportunity to communicate their ideals, purposes and passions.
Former school teacher Cyndi Darland is passionate about education and an advocate for unborn babies. “I am looking forward to sharing my platform. I want my voice to be heard,” Cyndi said.
Rosalind Taylor just turned 60 and wanted to do something special to celebrate the milestone.
“Previously busy working and raising a family, I decided that now is the time to do something for me,” Rosalind said. “I have never been in a pageant, but everyone always looks so lovely. I can do this,” she said.
Although the event dates back as far as the 1970s, it was revived in 2004 and Wanda Jones, Ms. Texas Senior America 2004, was on hand to encourage current contestants. Her motto: “Age is just mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
One of the highlights of the afternoon was a vocal solo by Marcie Baker of the Ms. Texas Senior America Cameo Club, “I Got My Sister,” from the Broadway Musical, “Sister Act.”
The 2019 Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant will be held on Saturday, Aug. 3 at 1 p.m. at the Doubletree Inn in Dallas. Ticket price is $20 and tickets can be purchased at the door. Contact Brigetta Powers at 214-551-5658 for advance and group tickets.
You can also support the organization by advertising your company in the full-color program. Contact Sheila Klein at 214-709-4476 for rates and deadlines.