Crime Watch — Vol. 16, No. 3

January 7 

1 a.m.

8700 Block Ferguson Rd. (75228)

Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s fur coat while he was in the restaurant’s restroom.

January 7 

3 a.m.

5900 Block E. University Blvd. (75206)

Vehicle Theft: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s 2015 Black Yamaha TW5 MC without consent.

January 8 

1:30 a.m.

2700 Block McKinney Ave. (75204)

Assault with Bodily Injury: The complainant told police that the known suspect punched her in the head several times.

January 8 

10:20 a.m.

3700 Block Ross Ave. (75204)

Traffic Violation – Non Hazardous: The arrested person had no seatbelt, no commercial driver’s license, nor a medical card upon being stopped.

January 9 

5:30 p.m.

6000 Block Melody Ln. (75231)

Burglary of a Building with Forced Entry: An unknown suspect cut a chain off the shed and took complainant’s property.

January 9  

8:03 p.m.

1200 Block N. Washington Ave. (75204)

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon: The arrested person shot into the complainant’s vehicle.

January 10 

8:50 a.m.

11000 Block Audelia Rd. (75243)

Harassment of a Public Servant: The suspect threw fecal matter onto a uniformed, on-duty Dallas Fireman.

January 10 

4 p.m.

10500 Block Fern Dr. (75228)

Theft from a Building: An unknown suspect stole a tool bag from the complainant’s backyard.

January 11 

6 p.m.

12600 Block Hornbeam Dr. (75243)

Dog Bite Involving an Injured Person: A dog bit a human.

January 11 

9 p.m.

13000 Block Audelia Rd. (75243)

Property Theft Subsequent to a Traffic Accident: An unknown suspect removed all four tires and wheels without permission from the owner following a traffic accident.

January 12 

12:40 a.m.

13000 Block Jupiter Rd. (75238)

Terroristic Threat with Imminent Fear: The arrested person threatened to kill the security guard with a gun.

January 12 

5 a.m.

6600 Block Skillman St. (75231)

Burglary of a Building with Forced Entry: An unknown suspect broke the door and the safe in a restaurant.

January 12 

9:15 p.m.

9200 Block Skillman St. (75243)

Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: An unknown suspect shot the complainant in the face with a BB gun, causing him to lose consciousness.

January 13 

2 a.m.

7400 Block Samuel Blvd. (75228)

Traffic Violation: The suspect damaged the complainant’s fence in a collision without leaving identifying information behind.

January 13 

12 p.m.

4600 Block Manett St. (75204)

Theft of U.S. Mail < 10 Addresses: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s mail from his front door without consent.