By Taylor Mayad

The works of internationally renowned jewelry designer Paula Crevoshay have captivated hearts for decades, from jewelry connoisseurs to celebrities and amateur gem buffs. The Perot Museum of Nature and Science will showcase a curated collection of Crevoshay’s stunning nature-inspired creations when The Shape of Matter – Through An Artist’s Eye opens Oct. 21. As part of the Perot Museum’s commitment to create compelling content that inspires minds through nature and science, this exhibit provides an innovative look at how nature and art intersect. In addition to approximately 70 pieces, including a world museum debut, The Shape of Matter – Through An Artist’s Eye will include loose gems and minerals, all displayed within their respective crystal systems. The exhibition illuminates the link between minerals, gems and jewelry while providing a path to learn more about intricate crystal structures. The museum is located at 2201 N. Field St. in Dallas. Visit or call 214-428-5555.