Celebrating success this semester
With the holidays upon us, this is the perfect time to reflect on some of District 3’s accomplishments. Our schools could not have achieved everything they have without every one of our students, team members and community members, so thank you to everyone who has offered their time and support so far this school year.

Dallas ISD scores highest rating in independent audit for the
fifth straight year
For the fifth consecutive year, Dallas ISD received a clean audit on its annual comprehensive financial report. This means the district’s independent auditor issued an “unmodified” or clean opinion and found no material weaknesses, no significant deficiencies, and no compliance shortcomings in the district’s financial statements and federal programs. Additionally, Dallas ISD is one of only 11 districts in the state to receive a AAA Bond rating by Kroll Bond Rating Agency. This distinction is the highest bond rating a school district can achieve in our state and is similar to an individual’s credit rating. Having a AAA bond rating will assist Dallas ISD in obtaining the lowest interest rate borrowing costs in the bond market, which achieves millions of dollars in interest cost savings for taxpayers.
Application deadline for specialty and legacy schools
Students who want to attend a specialty school or want to request a school transfer have until Jan. 31, 2025 to apply. Specialty schools include P-TECH, magnet, STEAM/STEM, Montessori, personalized learning, project-based learning, transformation, visual and performing arts, dual language schools and neighborhood school transfers. For more information, visit the Dallas ISD website.
Happy holidays!
I am wishing all our students, staff and community members a safe and restful holiday season. I look forward to seeing everyone back in the new year ready to continue educating District 3 students for success.