The safety of students and staff is Dallas ISD’s top priority, and the district has taken several steps to ensure schools are safe learning environments. Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, students in sixth through 12th grade will be required to use clear or mesh backpacks. Other bags will no longer be allowed. Students will be able to carry in their backpack a non-clear pouch no larger than 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches to hold personal items, such as cellphones, money and hygiene products. The district’s decision stems from safety recommendations made by the district’s Safety Task Force and Internal Task Force as well as feedback from students, parents and the community. Dallas ISD acknowledges that clear or mesh backpacks alone will not eliminate safety concerns. This is merely one of several steps in the district’s comprehensive plan to better ensure student and staff safety. The district has purchased and will distribute a free clear backpack to secondary students before the start of the school year. For more information, visit, dallasisd.org/backpacks and dallasisd.org/mochilas.
— Dallas ISD Staff Reports