In 2006, John Dean and Rhonda Russell conceived a neighborhood poster to honor members of the Lake Highlands area who were serving in the military. Both served as presidents of the Exchange Club of Lake Highlands and Rhonda was the founder and president of The Lake Highlands Military Moms. These posters were sponsored by the Exchange Club and The Military Moms and were distributed to various area business firms for display. At its meeting on Nov. 21, the Exchange Club presented the 2020 version of the poster, which includes 50 area military members who are serving in various parts of the world. The posters were given to various club members who will distribute them to area retail locations to display. Shown in the presentation picture are, from left to right, John Dean, Congressman Lance Gooden, Rhonda Russell and the poster graphic designer Bill Dunham. The Exchange Club has 175 members and meets each Friday morning at 7 a.m. at the KayCee Club on Shoreview Rd. Visit lhexchangeclub.org for membership information. — Don Lee