By Taylor Mayad
In partnership with the Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center (VWEC), the African American Museum, Dallas presents the Women’s Military Memorial “Color of Freedom” exhibit, which runs through July 19. With Texas having the country’s largest population of women veterans, the display includes the stories of various servicewomen of color and explores the impact that these women made while serving in various branches of the U.S. military. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

Women have served in the military since the Revolutionary War, but their true history and contributions often go untold. “Color of Freedom” aims to shine a light on servicewomen and veterans through education, validation and commemoration of their heroic history and contributions.
The opening of the exhibit falls just days after Women Veterans Day in Texas, marking 75 years since President Harry Truman signed The Women Armed Services Integration Act on June 12, 1948, allowing women to serve as regular members of the Armed Forces.
Guests will also have access to a sampling of the stories from the women represented in the Memorial’s 1,400-plus file oral history collection. In addition, local women veterans are encouraged to submit their stories to the Women’s Military Memorial.
“Color of Freedom” serves as an educational tool on the sacrifices and contributions of the diverse individuals who paved the way to allow for women of all backgrounds to serve in the U.S. military. One such woman highlighted in the exhibit is Women’s Army Corps (WAC) Private First Class Sarah Keys, who stood up to discrimination in 1952 by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger three years before Rosa Parks’ iconic act.
The project also seeks to be a catalyst for continued discussions on racial and gender disparities within the armed forces. The African American Museum, Dallas is located at 3536 Grand Ave. in Dallas’ historic Fair Park. Free self-parking is available in nearby lots.
For more information, go to or call 214-565-9026.