David Dike Fine Art (DDFA) hosts the Fall Texas Art Auction on Saturday, Nov. 9 at Wildman Art Framing. Murad Auctioneers will conduct the sale. Established in 1996, David Dike’s Texas Art Auction has become a 23-year tradition for collectors of early Texas art. The auction will feature 300 lots of early Texas art with great collections of Dallas painters. Also featured will be an exemplary San Antonio landscape painting work by the early Spanish-American painter Jose Arpa. The auction will be a live paddled sale with online, phone and absentee bidding available. This sale draws an enthusiastic crowd of bidders as well as art enthusiasts and young buyers wanting to learn about Texas art. DDFA will offer great food and drinks by Taco Heads. For more information and to request a catalogue, visit daviddike.com. — Martha Tiller