By Dr. Beth Leermakers
Cats feature prominently in Halloween celebrations — from black cat decorations to Cat Woman and lion costumes.
How much do you know about big cats?
1. Which of these cats is not a “big cat”?
A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Jaguar
D. Leopard
E. Cheetah
2. Other than their size, what separates the big cats from other cats?
A. Their speed
B. Their location
C. Their markings
D. Their ability to roar
3. True or False. The snow leopard was placed in the Panthera genus in 2008, but many scientists don’t think it should be considered a big cat.
4. How do you spot the alpha male in a pride of lions?
A. It doesn’t do anything.
B. It has a black mane.
C. It has bigger teeth
D. It has no tail.
5. What happens to a lion if it is neutered?
A. It loses its mane.
B. It loses its pride.
C. It becomes more nurturing.

6. Which cat is the fastest?
A. Tiger
B. Lion
C. Cheetah
D. Jaguar
7. True or False. All big cats — except lions and tigers — are solitary animals.
8. Which big cat species once roamed the southern United States?
A. Jaguars
B. Leopards
C. Tigers
D. Lions
1. E. The cheetah doesn’t belong to the genus Panthera. There are five carnivorous predator species (“big cats”) in the genus Panthera: the tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), lion (Panthera leo), snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and jaguar (Panthera onca).
2. D. Big cats can roar, but other wild cats and domestic cats can’t. Male and female lions mark their territories by roaring — which can be heard up to five miles away.
3. True. Scientists debate whether snow leopards should be considered big cats because they don’t roar. They only growl.
4. B. One study of Serengeti lions found that manes grew longer and darker with the increase in testosterone during adolescence. Testosterone levels were higher in lions with darker manes. Furthermore, darker maned males were generally better fed suggesting a higher dominance level or better hunting ability.
5. A. In captivity, some lions are neutered to prevent territorial or violent behavior. Neutered males lose their ability to produce testosterone and promptly lose their manes.
6. C. Cheetahs can run up to 74 miles per hour. Lions and jaguars can reach a top speed of 50 mph, while tigers (up to 40 mph) are a bit slower — but still some of the fastest land animals.
7. False. Tigers (as well as jaguars and leopards) are solitary creatures. Lions are the most social felines. They live in groups of related females (prides) that include up to 40 lions, with one or two adult males.
8. A. Jaguars and leopards look very similar; both cats have spots. But jaguars are native to South and Central America (making a jaunt into the southern U.S. do-able), while leopards live in Asia and Africa.