Planning for the annual State Fair of Texas is underway. Considering the current landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial we collect guest feedback as we prepare to put on a safe State Fair this fall. We welcome all Fair fans to help us through this process by completing a short survey at BigTex.com/2021Survey. The survey should take less than 10 minutes, and as a token of our appreciation, those who complete the survey will have the opportunity to register for a chance to win a pair of 2021 Season Passes. The health and safety of our guests, staff, and partners continue to be our top priority — it is important to us to incorporate fairgoer’s thoughts and feelings into our planning decisions so we can host an event that meets — and exceeds — our guest’s expectations. While we don’t know what this fall will bring just yet, we sure hope Big Tex will be welcoming fairgoers back in traditional fashion come September 24. The 2021 exposition is scheduled to be held Friday, Sept. 24 through Sunday, Oct. 17. For more information and email updates on the 2021 State Fair of Texas, sign up to be a Big Tex Insider at BigTex.com. — Karissa Condoianis