By Gigi Ekstrom
The Lakehill cafeteria was home to a multi-generational celebration on Friday, Dec. 13. The annual Holiday Luncheon, a much anticipated tradition for many elderly residents of East Dallas and the Lakehill family itself, enables members of the senior class, along with their parents and class sponsors, to join forces with members of the junior, sophomore and freshman classes to provide a memorable holiday experience for Lakehill’s senior citizen neighbors. Headmaster Roger Perry explained: “I am not sure who looks forward to this day more, the senior citizens in the community or all of us here at Lakehill. It is a wonderful tradition that truly reinforces the meaning of the holidays.”

Good food and enjoyable conversations with the students seemed to get everyone in the holiday spirit. The event allowed all grade levels to participate in the festivities. The senior class decorated the cafeteria and served as hosts, hostesses and food servers. Their parents carved the delicious smoked turkeys generously donated by Rudolph’s Meat Market and Sausage Factory, helped prepare the meal and staffed the kitchen. Juniors, dressed as elves, reindeer and Santa (Douglas McKenzie) and Mrs. Claus (Sarah Smith), visited with guests and posed for pictures. Students in all grade levels helped by donating the items that were used to fill the souvenir stockings.
“The Holiday Luncheon requires a tremendous amount of teamwork,” said senior sponsor Heather Dondis. “We are grateful not only for all the help that the students, parents, faculty and staff give us but also for the ‘What can I do to help?’ attitude that everyone seems to have every year. For many of us, this event is a highlight of the holiday season.”