By Gigi Ekstrom

Photo courtesy of Lakehill
For anyone involved in Boy Scouts, the pinnacle of achievement is to be awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. It requires sustained and diligent work to earn the many required merit badges and the completion of a major community service project. Only four percent of Scouts obtain the rank of Eagle.
Lakehill, home of the Warriors, is proud to recognize freshman Harris Jones from Troop 518 who recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. As part of his path to Eagle Scout, Jones planned and executed a service project benefiting Dallas’ Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Using a jigsaw, he made 13 bell-shaped boards out of Sintra PVC board, cutting out the shapes with a hole on top. With glue, he attached small video games, which he ordered from Amazon to put in the kiosks at Scottish Rite. The final assembly was aided by 10 members of his troop. Jones’s efforts involved more than 100 hours of his time.
“Having the games to play will help the kids be less nervous about the difficult procedures they are going through,” Jones said. Having volunteered at Scottish Rite, he knew he wanted to do something for the children they served. “I remember what it felt like to be in a hospital when I was younger. I remember being scared. I don’t want them to have that same feeling.”
The Court of Honor for Jones will be held on May 19. Congratulations to an outstanding young man on receiving Scouting’s highest honor.