By Andrea Lamarsaude
Nestled in the lower level of White Rock United Methodist Church is a beehive of co-working, creativity and cuisine-making called The Mix.

Photos courtesy of The Mix
Located in the “fun, funky and fabulous” East Dallas neighborhood of Little Forest Hills, The Mix was created by the Missional Wisdom Foundation, a nonprofit that teaches about and experiments with alternative forms of Christian community.
One of MWF’s experiments was to create “coworking spaces that breathe life back into church buildings that are no longer being used to their full potential.”
Rhonda Sweet, director at The Mix, said, “Through our space, we are excited to fulfill our mission of helping creators and small businesses succeed while bringing community to White Rock UMC and the neighborhood!”
There is an incredible collaborative energy and a powerful, positive vibe emanating from The Mix. On any given day you’ll find artists creating beautiful works of art or teaching an art class, a Taoist Tai Chi class in session, entrepreneurs collaborating, a videographer bringing visual life to a client’s story and a caterer cooking up something delicious in the onsite fully equipped commercial kitchen.
The next day a wedding reception, artist open studios, artisan market, or a dinner for a local book club could be on the calendar. The latest addition — ballroom dancing classes! Foxtrot, tango, salsa or swing anyone?! To coin a phrase, there is never a dull moment at The Mix. From day passes, so you can get out of your house to get some work done, to totally dedicated spaces, The Mix can make it happen. And for the cherry on top they’ll throw in free WiFi and coffee, healthy and not-so-healthy snacks, private and semi-private workspaces, outdoor seating and something we could all use sometime, a “shhhh” zone!