Photo by Maggie Murphree
By Deborah Brown
Three area Chambers of Commerce hosted a Meet & Greet Event for the Dallas Mayoral candidates on April 9 at Times Ten Cellars in Lakewood. The tri-chamber event was a collaboration between the Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce, the Lake Highlands Chamber of Commerce and the Southeast Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Six of the eight candidates were in attendance. This members-only event allowed guests to informally meet each candidate. Later, each was given two minutes to introduce themselves and outline key issues on which they will campaign.
“Thank you to each of the candidates for their service to the community and to the amazing city we each call home,” said Rene Barrera, chair of the GEDCC Legislative Affairs Committee. “We are a very forward-thinking city and it’s with their help, fortitude, dedication of time and commitment that we are where we are today, one of the greatest and fastest growing cities in the nation. We want to wish each of them success in their campaign.”
GEDCC Chairman Mike Nurre reminded the attendees of the dates for the election: Early Voting is April 22-30, the General Election is May 4, and the Run-Off Election is June 8.
The Greater East Dallas Chamber will host their Annual Mayoral Luncheon, which will most likely be a forum of the mayoral run-off candidates on May 21 at 11:30 a.m. at the Lakewood Country Club. Tickets are $35 for chamber members and $40 for guests. Visit greatereastdallaschamber.com or call 214-328-4100 for more information.