To honor Black History and inspire future changemakers, the Dallas Mavericks present the 2024 Black History Month Art Contest, open now through Feb. 15. Texas students, grades eighth-12, are encouraged to create and submit a visual art medium that interprets the beliefs of past and present black leaders and how they inspired others to unite and join hands for justice. The Mavericks selection committee will choose winners based on level of relation to theme, originality and creativity, and educational value. The selected top five Grand Prize winners will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Detroit, Mich., where the group will visit historical sites, such as the last stops of the underground railroad, the Wright Museum of African American History, the Detroit Art Institute, the Motown Museum and the infamous Plowshares Theatre, as well as attend the Dallas Mavericks vs. Detroit Pistons game at Little Caesars Arena. The Grand Prize winners will also be invited to a suite experience and recognized on-court during the Feb. 22 Mavericks home game. Throughout the month of March and April, the top artists’ work will be featured in the African American Museum of Dallas. For official rules and details, visit mavs.com/art. — Collin Kim