Summer is just around the corner, but you don’t need a calendar to know that it’s getting hot outside. For many, the rising temperatures means hiding inside with the A/C blasting. But not everyone is so fortunate. So, to assist the community, Lowest Greenville is hosting a fan and window unit drive benefiting Adult Protective Services.

By donating a box fan, window unit or cash, you can help senior citizens in Dallas who are currently living without air conditioning. The drive will take place on June 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Truck Yard, and the more you donate, the more you get in return. Bring a box fan or donate $20, and you can get a half price beer from GAPCo, a half-price frozen drink from Truck Yard or a free appetizer from Alamo Club, just to name a few. Bring a window A/C unit or $50, and you’ll still have access to a ton of specials, plus you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Lowest Greenville swag bag of items worth more than $300. Truck Yard is located at 5624 Sears St. in Dallas. — Ariana Hajibashi