By Juliette Coulter
Texas Women’s Foundation seeks nominations for its Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader Awards, which recognize leaders who have positively impacted the lives of women and girls. Nominations are due on October 31 via the website

Photo courtesy of Kim Leeson/Texas Women’s Foundation
The recipients will be honored at the Leadership Forum & Awards Celebration on April 27, 2023, at the Omni Dallas Hotel (555 S. Lamar St, Dallas 75202).
Texas Women’s Foundation Maura Award
For 44 years, the Maura Women Helping Women Award has recognized those who have led the way in improving lives for women and girls in Texas. Nominees must meet the following criteria:
• Utilizes their role in leadership to advance opportunities to serve the unique needs of women and girls;
• Has spent an extended period of time in service helping women and girls;
• Former or current Texas resident; and
• Must be 40 years of age and older.
Texas Women’s Foundation Young Leader Award
This award recognizes breakthrough leadership exhibited by a Texan. Nominees must meet the following criteria:
• Achieving success in a field, initiative or sector;
• Creating a path of opportunity for others to follow;
• Former or current Texas resident; and
• Must be between 18-39 years old.
According to Miki Woodard, Texas Women’s Foundation president and CEO: “We want to celebrate and elevate the voices of women leaders across Texas through our Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader Awards. Help us recognize the great work of someone you know who is working to advance the lives women and/or girls by nominating them for one — or both — of the Leadership Awards.”
Since inception in 1985, the Foundation has invested $74 million in women and girls. For those interested in sponsorship, contact Joy Busch at [email protected].