By Harriet P Gross
Rotary International’s District Governor John Moser (left) came from Allen to JJs Restaurant to formally install Bill Oncken (standing, right) as President of White Rock Rotary for the coming Club year.
Only a few members (including Roger Prior, at extreme right) were able to attend due to distancing requirements, and all were masked except when speaking, as Governor Moser is shown here. The small gathering was held in JJs’ private meeting room, where White Rock Rotary members have gathered weekly at noon on Fridays for many years. During this time of Coronavirus restrictions, regular meetings are being held on Friday mornings using Zoom.

White Rock Rotary welcomes to membership all men and women wishing to enjoy weekly fellowship and learning while taking part in vital community service projects, mainly in the local area; these include monthly cleanup of a section of White Rock lakefront assigned to the Club by Love of the Lake. For more information, please email immediate Past President Helen Stetler, [email protected].