On Friday, May 10, host committee members of MEET! East Dallas proudly donated $1,500 to East Lake Pet Orphanage (ELPO), proceeds from their networking event held in February. ELPO is a non-profit organization dedicated to rehabilitating and finding homes for stray animals such as Luigi, a dog that was recently in their care. Luigi’s story began on I-35, one of the busiest, if not THE busiest, highways in Dallas. It was during rush hour traffic that the Dallas Police Department received a call about a stray dog that was on the road as cars whizzed by. When officers arrived on the scene, they discovered that Luigi had been struck by a car and was laying in the road. Uncertain of his condition, officers stepped in to move him from the road and in the process, narrowly avoided being struck by a car that struck their cruiser from behind. Luigi’s examination revealed that he suffered from a concussion, lacerations and a fractured pelvis. Donations helped Luigi receive the care he needed to recover and be placed in a forever home. MEET! East Dallas is an annual business networking and community awareness event hosted by East Dallas Networking, Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Lakewood Women in Business and The Point & Pavilion at CC Young. — Deborah Brown

Photo courtesy of MEET! East Dallas