Animal lovers and owners are invited to bring their dogs, cats or any beloved pet to the annual Blessing of the Animals this Saturday, Oct. 5, at noon at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 848 Harter Road in Dallas. The service will be outdoor on the Greenspace along Harter Road. The service is reminder of the shared compassion for all of God’s creatures and the blessings they are in people’s lives. In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, pets receive a blessing and confirmation from their owners that all of God’s creatures are cherished and beloved. “All are invited to attend and bring their pets,” Father David Houk, St. John’s Rector, said. “We have blessed many dogs and cats. One year we had a goat; one year a horse. Last year a giant turtle. All animals and their two-footed owners are welcome.” For questions, call the church at 214-321-6451. — Andy Morgan