Beloved eatery decays into eyesore

Beloved eatery decays into eyesore

By Andy Morgan At the former Barbec’s restaurant, I once ate scrambled eggs with a parrot at the table next to me. I did not share.  Like thousands of other East Dallas residents, I was not going to be deterred from Barbec’s by the unexpected. For many, Barbec’s was not just a diner with eggs, […]

Fashion students brighten lives

Fashion students brighten lives

Fashion design and merchandising students from Texas Woman’s University presented a specially designed clothing line to patients at Scottish Rite for Children on December 2. It was the latest update to the collection of stylish-yet-adaptive ensembles the TWU students debuted at Scottish Rite last year. The designs promote independence and self-confidence for pediatric patients with […]

Rotary Club invites community to breakfast

Rotary Club invites community to breakfast

The community of White Rock has been home to The Rotary Club of White Rock (WRR) since 1960 when a group of men decided to put into practice the goals of Rotary International in their own backyard. They built a club — 64 members strong — on the foundation of their belief and carried out […]

First-ever grant gives $8.6M to new park

First-ever grant gives $8.6M to new park

By Becky Mayad The City of Dallas, Dallas Park and Recreation Department, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife, in partnership with Fair Park First, recently announced that the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service is making an $8.6 million grant to help fund Fair Park’s Community Park.  “Texas is known for its natural […]

Fireworks, light, drone show promises a bright 2025

Fireworks, light, drone show promises a bright 2025

By Kimber Westphall Reunion Tower and Hunt Realty Investments, Inc. proudly present the ninth annual New Year’s Eve extravaganza in Dallas! This Texas-sized celebration will feature a spectacular fireworks, light and drone show to ring in 2025 on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 11:59 p.m. for an unforgettable start to the new year.  The downtown Dallas […]

Center benefits from chamber holiday party

Center benefits from chamber holiday party

By Deborah Brown The Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce (GEDCC) partnered with EDENS and Casa Linda Plaza merchants for the annual tree lighting and holiday party held on Monday, Dec. 2 at Casa Linda Plaza. The event was organized by the Live Local Committee of the Chamber.   The community event provided food and […]

SPCA hopes dog houses lead to homes

SPCA hopes dog houses lead to homes

By Becky Adamietz-Deo The SPCA of Texas is delighted to present the 34th annual Home for the Holidays events at NorthPark Center (8687 N. Central Expressway, 75225).  Bark + Build showcases unique, state-of-the-art dog homes and cat condos, designed and created through our partnership with the American Institute of Architects Dallas (AIA) and TEXO, The […]

Santa’s toy collection includes two routes

Santa’s toy collection includes two routes

What started out as several friends wanting to collect toys for Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center’s (DCAC) toy drive in 2020, has magnified into a huge community effort. This year marks the fifth FaLaLa Lakewood Christmas Toy Drive. But it’s not just any toy drive. It’s a parade that travels through the Lakewood streets, collecting thousands […]

Local businesses honored by chamber

Local businesses honored by chamber

Congratulations to the 2024 Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Year winners. The awards ceremony was during a luncheon at the Lakewood Country Club. Community and chamber members celebrated and recognized the accomplishments of these local East Dallas Businesses: Business of the Year — Half Price Books; Chairman’s Award — Comerica BusinessHQ; […]

Future of trail unknown as construction begins

Future of trail unknown as construction begins

By Andy Morgan Drivers on Garland Road going south near the Dallas Arboretum — and those on foot or bike on the nearby White Rock Lake Trail — can expect traffic and trekking woes until at least fall 2025. In early November, the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) began replacing a chain of temporary barriers […]