By Shelia Huffman

It may be a play date for the doggies, but it is Sunday morning worship for many of their owners. Central Christian Church Community Dog Park practically sings the lyrics “how sweet on a clear Sabbath morning to listen to the clear ringing bells” from the country hymn “The Little Brown Church in the Wildwood.”
But that is where old time church ends, and new church begins. The Sunday morning messages address today’s issues and concerns while appealing to today’s casual, relaxed lifestyle.
Come to the church in the dog park, bring a friend and bring your dogs. It’s a “come as you are” with shorts the dress code for warm weather and sweats and jeans when the temperatures are cooler. Sleeping in with no time to stop at Starbucks? Not a problem, as there is hot coffee and fresh do-nuts for free.
The morning service is held at 9 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month started with a handful of people and has grown to a small congregation comprised of a variety of faiths. Everyone is welcome!
There is plenty of parking and plenty of seating so come meet Tyson, Ken, Erik, Grady and Michael as well as other folks who love their dog like you love yours. You already have something in common with the group.