By Heather Tomlin
The White Rock Lake Foundation (WRLF) hosted its annual golf tournament at Stevens Park Golf Course, raising more than $50,000 in funds that will go towards projects for improvements at Winfrey Point. This year’s event was the largest in its 15-year history, with 120 players in attendance, including high school students from First Tee, courtesy of premier sponsor Christus Health.

Notable guest speakers kicked off the tournament, including District 9 City Councilwoman Hon. Paula Blackmon, District 8 City Councilman Hon. Tennell Atkins and Katy Kiser, director of external communications for Christus Health. Park Board member Bo Slaughter and Dallas Park and Recreation Department Director John Jenkins played in the tournament, with Jenkins closing the event by thanking participants for supporting the foundation and the lake.
The foundation wishes to thank its sponsors: Title Sponsor – Christus Health; Dinner Sponsor – Sfuzzi, Lunch Sponsor – Jackson Sells; Welcoming Sponsor – Inwood Bank; Beverage Cart/Station Sponsor – Hines; Trail Sponsor Dallas Running Club; Putting Green Sponsor – Veritex Community Bank; Cart Sponsors – CC Young and Good Earth.
WRLF appreciates the support from sponsors, players, participants and volunteers, without whom WRLF would not be able to continue to provide improvements, renovations and important upkeep and maintenance for the “Jewel of Dallas,” White Rock Lake.
In addition to the golf tournament, participants entered raffles for gift cards, sporting event and concert tickets and other prizes. Proceeds from all activities are slated for renovating Winfrey Point, which WRLF designated as their primary fundraising project after receiving approval from Dallas Park and Recreation and The White Rock Lake Task Force earlier this spring. Board members met on site with park department staff and reviewed a wish list of improvements and estimates totaling close to $500,000.
The golf tournament is one of two major fundraising events The White Rock Lake Foundation is hosting this year, along with their first annual gala being held in October.
The WRLF has raised millions of dollars for numerous projects benefiting White Rock Lake over the course of 32 years, including developing the total Master Plan rendering for White Rock Lake Park, funding and designing new architectural stone abutments to the pedestrian bridge at the main park entrance, and installing shade structures at the Winfrey Point Ball Fields.
Most recently, the foundation raised more than $25,000 for directional signage around the lake, like those on the Santa Fe Trail, which provides the distance between certain points on the trail and a map of the area. The 11 new eye-catching signs will be located along the entirety of the White Rock Lake Trail.
The White Rock Lake Foundation got its start in 1989, when a concerned group of citizens formed the foundation to improve and protect the lake. The Foundation was instrumental and led the efforts to secure an $18 million dollar bond package through the City of Dallas to dredge White Rock Lake and restore it to a healthy, life-sustaining depth by the end of the 20th century. The bond package was approved by voters in May 1995. From those grassroots origins, the White Rock Lake Foundation has adopted goals, which include the completion of the White Rock Lake Master Plan, the development of a Comprehensive Landscape Architectural Concept Plan and a schedule for all restoration, preservation and development efforts at White Rock Lake. The Foundation works closely with the Dallas Park and Recreation Department (DPARD), selecting improvements and projects directly from the DPARD wish list and major project list.
Fundraising continues to be a critical component of the White Rock Lake Foundation’s responsibilities. Private funds have paid for essentials at White Rock Lake Park such as picnic tables, bicycle racks, benches, trash receptacles and additional landscaping.
Visit to learn more about events and improvements to the lake.