Think Father’s Day gift as “GO NOW! Performs the Music of The Moody Blues” will appear at the Charles W. Eisemann Center, 2351 Performance Dr. in Richardson on Friday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. The concert pays tribute to the “Rock and Roll Hall of Famers,” often referred to as, “The greatest classic rock band of a generation.” Baby boomers will especially enjoy reliving some of the greatest music of the 60s-70s eras. Go Now! Drummer Gordy Marshall toured and recorded with The Moody Blues for 25 years. Together with Mick Wilson, Patrick Duffin, Nick Kendall and Tim Maple, he presents a group of world class musicians, singers and songwriters who meticulously recreate the elegance of a Moody Blues Concert. Classic hits are celebrated, including “Nights in White Satin,” “Go Now,” “Tuesday Afternoon,” “I Know You’re Out There Somewhere,” “Isn’t Life Strange?” and a rendition of “Eve of the War” from Jeff Wayne’s “The War of the Worlds.” For information and ticket sales visit eisemanncenter.com or call the ticket office at 972-744-4650. — Shari Goldstein Stern