Fair Park First announced it has received a $2 million gift from the Hoblitzelle Foundation towards the 11-acre Community Park that is designated along Fitzhugh Avenue. Katie Robins, president of the Foundation, said, “Hoblitzelle Foundation is excited that the new Community Park will be not only a great attraction to Fair Park guests, but a welcoming and wonderful respite for residents from surrounding communities. We are honored to be a part of this impactful effort to put the ‘park’ back in Fair Park.” The Community Park will feature amenities and programming, including Wi-Fi, splash pads, a flex lawn, pavilions, shaded areas, natural areas, waterscapes, landscape buffers, all age/all abilities children’s play area and more. The Community Park is the signature component in Phase One of the Master Plan Update and the “Fair Park, Your Park Capital Campaign,” which has a funding goal of $85 million for capital improvements. — Julian Bowman