By Jennifer Hoesterey
Mark your calendars for April 4. In honor of the White Rock Lake Conservancy’s 10th annual Celebration! White Rock, a fundraiser benefitting improvements in White Rock Lake Park, Lakewood Brewing, Oak Highlands Brewery, Vector Brewing and White Rock Alehouse are collaborating on a special Race Day beer.

Photo courtesy of White Rock Lake Conservancy
The breweries have been long time supporters and donors of Celebration! White Rock and want to honor the 10th anniversary in a one-of-a-kind way. The Race Day beer will exclusively be available at the 10th annual Celebration! White Rock, April 4 at Winfrey Point. Attendees can participate in the 5K or 10K run/walk followed by an afterparty with local food vendors, live music and of course, the Race Day beer. Not a runner? Make a donation, skip the race and attend the afterparty! Sign up or donate at
In addition to the Race Day beer, which will only be available at Celebration! White Rock on April 4, each brewery will feature a different IPA to create excitement about the event. The brewers will raise a glass along with members of White Rock Lake Conservancy on March 2 at the original White Rock Alehouse at 7331 Gaston Ave., in Dallas from 5-7 p.m. Come by for a flight to try all four IPAs or grab a pint that comes with a limited-edition Celebration! glass.
Between March 2 and April 4, be sure to stop by all four local breweries, including Lakewood Brewing, Oak Highlands Brewery, Vector Brewing and White Rock Alehouse to try their featured IPA. For every pint sold, the breweries will donate $1 to benefit White Rock Lake Conservancy.
The funds raised will go toward improvements to the park including a new playground at the stone tables picnic area.
Save the date and raise a glass to White Rock Lake. Sign up or donate at