Program inspires teens to embrace faith

Program inspires teens to embrace faith

By Shari Goldstein Stern Dallas high school teens have a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of faith while enjoying adventure, fellowship and making new friends. Since 1939, that Young Life (YL) mix has proven successful. Many teen participants stayed active in the organization throughout college, and many of those volunteered as a Leader in […]

Help local champion fill boxes

Help local champion fill boxes

By Krinna Breene Brooklyn Kennett, a 9-year-old East Dallas resident and fourth grader at Eduardo Mata Montessori school, has a heart for community service and will put in the work needed to achieve her goals. Brooklyn (pictured) started her own non-profit organization called “Care with Flair — Champions for Kids in Need.” Her goal is […]

Students make sure everyone is counted

Students make sure everyone is counted

While most high school students are too young to complete a household census themselves, they know that a complete census count has a strong impact on their futures, too. A group of about 50 civic-minded teenagers, led by the nonprofit organization The Concilio, partnered with Dallas County Counts to block walk on October 3. The […]

Political symbols have deep history

Political symbols have deep history

FOR THE LOVE OF THE ANIMALS By Beth Leermakers How did the donkey and the elephant come to symbolize the Democratic and Republican parties? Thomas Nast, a Harper’s Magazine cartoonist from 1862-1886, was largely responsible, but the political origins of the donkey date back even further.  During the 1828 presidential campaign, democrat Andrew Jackson’s opponents […]

Superhero teaches young peacekeepers

Superhero teaches young peacekeepers

By Shari Goldstein Stern How do we, as grownups wrap our brain around a worldwide pandemic, millions stricken and deceased, and how it alters all our daily lives? That has got to be really challenging for younger children who, at the end of the day, have to process the changes around them, too, starting with […]

Chef brings fond memories to recipes

Chef brings fond memories to recipes

Chef Juanita Mejia (pictured) is a food service specialist in Dallas ISD’s Food and Child Nutrition Services, where she has the honor of training school cafeteria staff members to provide delicious food and impeccable service to students and staff members. In her role, Mejia utilizes her more than 20 years of culinary experience to empower […]

SMU lends an ear to Dallas Academy

SMU lends an ear to Dallas Academy

By Lisa Loera Dallas Academy’s (DA) Director of Music Therapy and Performing Arts Molly Phillips Grogan jumped at the chance to train Music Therapy (MT) interns. She was approached by Dr. Daniel Tague, assistant professor and chair of music therapy at Southern Methodist University, three years ago. Dr. Tague had observed the unique and effective […]

SMU hosts events to inform all voters

SMU hosts events to inform all voters

By Stephen Fashoro The upcoming presidential election will be the first opportunity to vote for many students, including Southern Methodist University’s Wilson Russ, and SMU is lining up opportunities for these new voters to learn more about the process. But Russ is going to learn the election system from a very personal angle — by […]

Students encouraged to be poll workers

Students encouraged to be poll workers

ELECTIONS 2020 From Staff Reports In conjunction with the Secretary of State, the Dallas County Elections Department encourages eligible students to participate in the political processes and benefit their community by serving as election clerks in Dallas County elections. The Dallas County Elections Department has long welcomed student election workers and provides students with a […]

Our ‘Community Quarterback’ needs help!

Our ‘Community Quarterback’ needs help!

From Frazier Kids Staff Reports This year has presented all of us with unexpected challenges. Those most affected, though, are families who struggled long before COVID-19 struck. For families living in the Frazier neighborhood in the Fair Park area near downtown, where more than half of residents live below the poverty line, the pandemic-related financial […]

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