Woodrow hosting competition for first time

The Woodrow Wilson robotics team, FTC 13916 aka the Retrobots, continued their successful run with a first-place finish at the regional qualifier at Wylie East High School. By taking the top spot the team qualified for the Texas UIL state competition on March 13-14, which will be held at Woodrow Wilson High School for the […]

Local teacher prepares to launch futures

Local teacher prepares to launch futures

From Dallas ISD Staff Reports Karla Smith’s passion for STEM led her to the otherworldly experience of attending a Space Camp for teachers at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Alabama. As one of the 10 percent of applicants chosen for the opportunity, Smith, a science teacher at Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy, engaged in […]

Teach for America comes to St. John’s

By Karla K. Wigley St. John’s Episcopal School and Teach for America DFW will host an in-depth conversation about cultivating young leaders, colloquially known as Gen Z, on March 5. This invitation-only event will include independent school thought leaders, respected community influencers and TFA alumni from throughout the DFW area. Gen Z, the largest, most […]

Students in top 20 percent receive honors

Students in top 20 percent receive honors

The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands presented its monthly student awards to four Lake Highlands High School (LHHS) students at its February 14 meeting. Character counts awards are presented each month to two students who display outstanding character traits at school and in the community. Youth of the Month awards go to students who excel […]

Teachers to get more money

Teachers to get more money

From Dallas ISD Staff Reports A new report shows that Dallas ISD continues to retain a higher number of effective teachers, which in turn is improving student performance under the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI). Meanwhile, TEI is expected to bring Dallas ISD an additional $28 million in funds from the state under House Bill 3. While […]

Exemplary progress being made in schools

Exemplary progress being made in schools

From Dallas ISD Staff Reports Three Dallas ISD schools are among only 26 in Texas nominated for the 2020 National Blue Ribbon School award. Henry W. Longfellow Career Exploration Academy, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Early College High School, and Edward Titche Elementary School are the district nominees.  The U.S. Department of Education awards the Blue Ribbon […]

Top Texas volunteer calls Lakehill home

Top Texas volunteer calls Lakehill home

By Gigi Ekstrom Lakehill sophomore Blake Perry (pictured) was recently named a Prudential State Honoree and one of Texas’ top youth volunteers of 2020. Blake advanced to the state level of competition after being selected as Lakehill’s local honoree in November. Ten Texas students were selected as Distinguished Finalists for their impressive community service activities. […]

Bied aces ACT

Bied aces ACT

By Gigi Ekstrom Lakehill senior Preston Bied (pictured) earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36. In the U.S. high school graduating class of 2019, only 4,879 out of nearly 1.8 million students, or fewer than half of one percent (.5 percent), who took the ACT earned the top composite score of 36.  The […]

Woodrow prepares more leaders

Woodrow prepares more leaders

By Victor Aves On January 16, the Woodrow Wilson High School DECA chapter participated in a local competition. Twenty-two Woodrow students took part in the event, and 19 were first timers.  DECA stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America, and DECA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization with more than 225,000 members in all […]

Student shares love of STEM with children

Student shares love of STEM with children

From Dallas ISD Staff Reports Abitamim Bharmal is passionate about sharing his love for 3D printing with younger generations. He’s a 17-year-old senior who spent most of his summer earnings on upgrading the makerspaces and STEM labs at several Dallas ISD elementary schools. Bharmal is a student at the School for the Talented and Gifted at […]

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