While Dallas may be known for the Dallas Cowboys and the State Fair, it also has one of the best arts districts in the country. That’s according to a new online competition for USA Today. The Dallas Arts District won first place in USA Today’s 10 Best Arts Districts online competition. An expert panel made […]
From Staff Reports While the term “amygdala” may not bear much significance for the average person, elementary students attending Biomedical Preparatory at UT Southwestern (UTSW) understand it as the small structure inside the brain that processes emotions. Through experiential learning and the school’s partnership with the UTSW Medical Center, students easily grasp complex concepts like […]
This breathtaking photograph of one of White Rock Lake’s bald eagles gathering nesting materials was taken by local photographer Renate Grupp. Congratulations, Renate! You just won a gift certificate to a favorite local restaurant. Submit your favorite original photograph of the lake or its surrounding areas to [email protected]. You could be our next winner!
February 20 — 3:54 a.m. 11500 Block Ferguson Rd. (75228) Criminal Mischief: The suspect broke into a doctor’s office and continued to damage the interior areas during a search for items of value. February 20 — 1:23 p.m. 11400 Block N. Central Expy. NB (75243) Misdemeanor: The arrested person was camping in a public area in violation of local […]
The spring semester is in full swing, and I am proud to celebrate District 3’s students, team members and community. Their hard work and commitment to excellence is paving the way for student success and opportunities. School Zone is back Dallas ISD is bringing back two cherished TV programs: School Zone Dallas and Zona Escolar […]
February 13 — 8 a.m. 5900 Block E. University Blvd. (75206) Deadly Conduct Involving the Discharge of a Firearm: The complainant told police that the suspect discharged a firearm, causing damage to his ceiling. February 13 — 5 p.m. 12300 Block E. Northwest Hwy. (75228) Unknown suspect cut the lock off of a storage unit and stole some of […]
The Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce is soliciting nominations for its annual Teacher of the Year Award. The purpose is to recognize educators K-12 who are providing outstanding education for their respective students. Recipients of this award must have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and novel programs that are serving to improve and […]
By Vikki Martin The Dallas City Council voted this past week to place the $1.25 billion bond program on the May 4 ballot. The bond program includes nearly $345 million in the parks and trails proposition. This package includes the White Rock Hills Recreation Center that the Ferguson Road Initiative (FRI) has been advocating for […]
February 6 — 1:26 a.m. 9300 Block Skillman St. (75243) Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Complainant told police officers that an unknown suspect shot her, injuring one of her arms. February 6 — 9 p.m. 9700 Block Ash Creek Dr. (75228) Criminal Mischief: An unknown suspect cut complainant’s fence, causing $250 in property damage. […]
From Dallas ISD Staff Reports Mariah T. has been lighting up the dance stage for as long as she can remember, a passion that grows daily as a senior at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. While working toward her dream of becoming a professional dancer, her dedication to dance […]