Dallas Academy is a widely-recognized leader in private school education for bright students with a range of learning differences. As such, the school always strives to grow and innovate in order to meet the diverse needs of the student population. When COVID-19 disrupted learning, instructors quickly realized a more advanced e-learning program would be a […]
From DPD Staff Reports Officer Mitchell Penton of the Dallas Police Department was struck by a drunk driver and killed during the early morning hours of February 13. Penton was on duty, providing security for an accident scene when his patrol vehicle was struck. The impact of the crash caused Officer Penton’s vehicle to hit […]
From Dallas ISD Staff Reports When active PTA mom Jamie Nelson (pictured) learned there was a vacant theater teacher position at Sidney Lanier Expressive Arts Vanguard, where her two sons attend, she immediately told the principal she was stepping in. Starting in the late fall of 2019 as a volunteer, Nelson finalized her alternative teaching certification […]
Feb. 2 – 1:30 a.m. 5100 Block, Bryan St. (75206) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke into the complainant’s vehicle in an effort to steal it. Feb. 2 – 7:10 a.m. 11700 Block, Ferguson Rd. (75228) Aggravated Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon: The suspect pulled out a pistol and pointed it […]
Bringing Back Vocational Education in a Big Way! In my last column, I reported on the expansion of Dallas ISD’s career and technology education (CTE) offerings. I reported that Dallas ISD has brought back vocational education in a big way, with more CTE offerings than ever before! Students at Bryan Adams and Conrad high schools […]
Planning for the annual State Fair of Texas is underway. Considering the current landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial we collect guest feedback as we prepare to put on a safe State Fair this fall. We welcome all Fair fans to help us through this process by completing a short survey at BigTex.com/2021Survey. […]
Jan. 26 – 6:30 p.m. 11700 Block, Audelia Rd. (75243) Aggravated Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon: The arrested person shot the complainant in the abdomen, causing him to suffer serious bodily injuries. Jan. 26 – 11:13 p.m. 10000 Block, Walnut St. (75243) Murder: An unknown suspect shot and killed the complainant. Jan. 27 – 1 […]
Doctor John Revere Richmond, fondly referred to as “Doc,” passed away peacefully in Dallas, Texas the evening of January 5, 2021 after a six-week battle with COVID-19. John was born to Henry Jr. and Irene (Diefenbach) Richmond on Thanksgiving Day, 1949 in Borger, Texas. After relocating many times in early life, he graduated in 1968 […]
BLACK HISTORY MONTH By Therese Powell Join the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Buffalo Soldiers Program this Saturday, Feb. 6, at Cedar Hill State Park as they kick off the first weekend of Black History Month with a program that includes stories, artifacts and soldiers in period 1870s uniforms. Buffalo Soldiers were African American soldiers who […]
Jan. 19 – 2:15 a.m. 11400 Block, Woodmeadow Pkwy. (75228) Aggravated Home Invasion: The suspects broke into the complainant’s residence and robbed them at gunpoint. Jan. 19 – 6:30 p.m. 11400 Block, E. Northwest Hwy. (75218) Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: The suspect pointed a gun at the complainant, demanded his property and threatened to […]