Peacemakers Inc. is hosting its 10th and final luncheon on Sept. 21 in celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace. On this special occasion the organization will be honoring Peacemakers Friends, Members and Supporters. The event includes two guest speakers: Dr. T. David Mason, the director of the University of North Texas’ Peace Studies Program, and Dr. Rick Halperin, director of SMU’s Embry Human Rights Program. The luncheon will also include a video “Peace Smiles,” showcasing Peacemakers’ many events and friends from 1987 to today. Peacemakers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Dallas journalist and author, the late Vivian Castleberry (pictured above). Peacemakers has remained grounded in its mission, values and perspectives on personal, local, national and international levels to explore and implement peaceful solutions to human conflict. The event is at the Doubletree Hotel in Dallas. Visit peacemakersinc.org for ticket information. — Nancy Black