By Shelia Huffman
Pump it up! Get your stixs on! Fitness instructor Jill Beam’s energy fills the room at CC Young’s exercise class in Drumba, the new work-out craze everyone is crazy about.
Why is Drumba so popular? It’s a cardiovascular workout that increases muscle strength and stimulates the brain. Plus, it’s fun and everyone can do it.
A standard exercise ball held in place by an inverted plastic tub and a set of drum sticks (weighted or regular) — and you are ready to get drumming.
Scientifically, drumming produces enkephalins, a naturally occurring peptide that has potent painkilling effects, and endorphins, a naturally occurring stress reliever and mood elevator brought on by exercise. Drumming can also create a feeling of synchronicity allowing you to feel connected to others, nature and even a higher being. It stimulates creative expression and puts you in touch with your inner-self.
Allen, Texas resident Dina Scott is recognized with creating Drumba after her mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Dina wanted to provide a way to help keep her mother moving and keep her mind alert. After researching the many benefits of drumming, she conceived the workout.
Its popularity has spread throughout the DFW area and to California and the Mid-west.
Well-known fitness expert Jill Beam teaches Drumba at CC Young’s retirement campus for seniors, which overlooks White Rock Lake.
Beam is a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and Jazzercise instructor. Her passion is to enrich the lives of the senior community. Beam found Dina and Drumba while on a quest to find something fresh and beneficial to bring to the senior community. The classes are so popular they are now open to the public.
Go to left, go to right, touch your side, touch your back — Jill instructs to popular, movement-inspiring music, but she cautions, “You don’t have to keep up with me.”

“Going at your own pace is what makes this an exercise geared at everyone,” Jill said.
Several participants sat out a few sets, returning to their drum when they were rested.
Classes are held at The Point at CC Young on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m. and are currently free. Get your stix on!