By Shelia Huffman
“Lord, lift me up, and let me stand, a higher plane than I have found, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground” was the opening hymn at Sunday’s Gospel Hour at Central Christian Church in Dallas.
The choir, under the direction of Tim Caffee, received a round of applause for the riveting rendition that set the pace for Rev. Dr. Ken Crawford’s sermon: “Give Me That Old-Time Religion? What to keep and what to let go.”

Photo by Shelia Huffman
“Jesus is the most complete revelation of who God is,” Pastor Ken said. “Yet even his story comes to us bound by its own cultural context and limitations. Our responsibility as reasoning people of faith is to continue the difficult and important work of interpreting the Gospel for our generation and to teach those skills to the next.”
Central’s mission, as followers of Jesus Christ, is to partner with their neighbors to experience God’s transforming love — whoever the neighbor and whatever their need. Sunday’s music reflected that love.
“The Old Rugged Cross,” “His Eye is on the Sparrow,” and “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” were sung by the choir and congregation at this special service featuring old-time gospel favorites — those that never cease to inspire. Following the service was another old-time favorite — a church pot-luck. The congregation and their guests visited with each other while dining on casseroles like King’s Ranch chicken and pot roast, traditional sides and salads as well as a variety of vegan dishes so that everyone could partake in the bountiful buffet.
Central is located at 4711 Westside Dr. in Dallas. Church in the Dog Park is at 9 a.m., welcoming everyone and their dog, and worship in the sanctuary is at 11 a.m.