The State Fair of Texas is proud to be a family-friendly environment for visitors of all ages to celebrate all things Texan. As an added safety measure, the State Fair is implementing an After 5 p.m. minors’ policy. During the 2023 State Fair of Texas, starting at 5 p.m. daily, all minors, age 17 and under, must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone (21+) when entering the Fair. Parents, guardians or chaperones may accompany no more than six minors 17 years of age and under. The State Fair will require all accompanying parents, guardians and chaperones (21+) to present a valid ID upon entry starting at 5 p.m. daily. Once inside the fairgrounds, the parent, guardian or chaperone is not required to remain with the minors; however, the State Fair encourages that they stay in communication with each other and be aware of their location on the fairgrounds during their visit. The State Fair of Texas’ full Guest Code of Conduct can be found on BigTex.com/CodeofConduct, and will be posted at each State Fair pedestrian entry gate. For more information on the new policy and other State Fair-related questions, visit BigTex.com/KnowBeforeYouGo. — Karissa Condoianis