By Lowry Manders
“Courage, Confidence, Character … a Girl Scout has it all in her!”
This was the chant of dozens of excited Girl Scout troops of all ages gathered from around Lake Highlands, East Dallas and the larger community on a Sunday afternoon at Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church to meet one special woman. The event was Girl Scout Service Unit 165’s third annual “3 C’s Speaker Event,” which was an opportunity for the community to come together to celebrate the mission of Girl Scouts. And it was an opportunity for Girl Scouts to learn from the wisdom of a woman who exhibits these qualities, Opal Lee herself!

Photo courtesy of Girl Scout Service Unit 165
At 97 years old, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth” leaned forward in her chair on the stage and read aloud in her quiet, but expression-filled voice “Juneteenth: A Children’s Story” to the gathered audience.
She challenged the young girls by saying: “Make yourself a committee of one … to change somebody’s mind. Because if people can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love.”
Lee told the crowd of students, parents and community members:
“Juneteenth is for all Americans because freedom is for all Americans! She added: “It’s not a Texas thing. It’s not a Black thing. It’s a freedom thing.”