By Martha Tiller
Singer Steve Grand comes to Dallas one night only for the benefit of the Suicide & Crisis Center. Appearing at SMU’s Bob Hope Theater, Grand brings the influences of The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Elton John to entertain. The evening of music is sponsored by Arnold and Joe Pacetti.

Grand (pictured) is a 30-year-old American singer whose “All-American Boy” went viral in less than a week on YouTube (one million viewers), landing him on such national media as Good Morning America, CNN, etc. He released his debut album, “All-American Boy,” by financing a successful Kickstarter public funding campaign. His follow-up album “Not the End of Me” was released in 2018. Grand has become active in the LGBTQ+ equality movement.
A Night of Steve Grand is Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Bob Hope Theater at the Owen Arts Center on the SMU Campus. The comedy of Sister Helen Holy is also featured on the program. Arnold and Joe Pacetti have covered the cost of the event, leaving 100 percent of the proceeds to benefit the Suicide & Crisis Center of North Texas. For tickets, visit