Big Tex chooses Texas wines for Fair

Big Tex chooses Texas wines for Fair

By Karissa Condonianis In keeping with the State Fair of Texas mission of promoting agriculture, education and community involvement, involvement, the Fair is introducing its new Blue Ribbon Wine Selection program. Sponsored by GO TEXAN and in partnership with the Texas Wine Advocate, 12 of Texas’ best wines were selected from a pool of more […]

Peach-Blackberry Crisp

Peach-Blackberry Crisp

Filling: 2 pounds peaches, peeled, pitted and cut into wedges 12 ounces blackberries 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) 1 teaspoon kosher salt Topping: 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 1/2 cup (packed) light brown sugar 2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup (1 stick) […]

Expert says: Prepare for summer fun

Expert says: Prepare for summer fun

By Stephan Sardone Just after weathering the extreme weather full of blinding rain storms, golf ball-sized hail and heavy winds, as the late Glenn Frey sang, “The Heat is On!” Now is the perfect time to get a jump on your neighbors.  Hire a licensed air conditioning and heating specialist to do an early summer […]

City asks corporations to help plant trees

City asks corporations to help plant trees

By Andrea Hawkins In the aftermath of recent storms that roared across the metroplex, leaving mass tree devastation in numerous Dallas parks, city officials are reaching out to area Fortune 500 companies and businesses to encourage their support of citywide reforestation initiatives. “The weather has brutally impacted the landscape and environment of Dallas’ parks and […]

White Rock Rotary sends kids to camp

By Harriet P. Gross Every year, Rotary Clubs from our part of Texas sponsor high school students’ attendance at RYLA, a special week-long camping experience. This year, White Rock Rotary is making it possible for three students to attend, one each from Bryan Adams, Lake Highlands and Conrad High Schools. RYLA stands for Rotary Youth […]

‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’ a great road trip comedy

‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’ a great road trip comedy

By Chic DiCiccio At the time of this writing, “Avengers: Endgame” has made almost $850 million in the United States alone. If you haven’t seen it by now, it’s highly likely that you aren’t into the whole “comic book movie” thing. That being said, this review of “Spider-Man: Far from Home” is going to have […]

Historic magazine covers exhibit extended

Historic magazine covers exhibit extended

By Laurie Ivy The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza will extend its popular temporary exhibit 55 Years to remain on display for an additional 10 weeks. The exhibit of five decades of magazine covers featuring President John F. Kennedy opened November 13, 2018 and was originally scheduled to end August 4, 2019. The new […]

‘Honor Chair’ presented to DART

‘Honor Chair’ presented to DART

By Mark Ball A San Antonio nonprofit organization that honors fallen first responders by building special wooden chairs in their honor has presented a chair to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Police Department.   The organization, Saving a Hero’s Place, presented the honor chair Friday, July 5, at DART Police Headquarters with Thompson’s family in […]

It’s hard work to make fleas flee

It’s hard work to make fleas flee

By Dr. Beth Leermakers Fleas can be the bane of a pet parent’s existence. In addition to irritating your pets, fleas can cause skin allergies and infections. They are the most common external parasites found on North American cats. Fleas can transmit bacterial infections, including cat scratch fever and the plague, to your cat and […]