Much needed rain leaves unwanted trash

Much needed rain leaves unwanted trash

By Lis Akin Kick off Summer 2018 by celebrating Rocky’s Birthday. Rocky is For the Love of the Lake’s (FTLOTL) spokes-duck. His heart is a vintage 3-wheeled golf cart and, this year, he received the best birthday gift ever … a new ticker. Rocky’s fired-up and ready to go up for this month’s Second Saturday […]

Local theater celebrates 35 years

By Shari Goldstein Stern “Just you wait, Henry Higgins” until June 15 for opening night of “My Fair Lady” kicking off Garland Summer Musicals’ (GSM) 2018 season. Lerner and Loewe’s brilliant musical masterpiece, “My Fair Lady,” will star Michael Robinson as Higgins and Alexandra Cassens as Eliza Doolittle. Michael Serrecchia directs the show. GSM never […]

First Baptist Academy defeats Hook

First Baptist Academy defeats Hook

By Lisa Emmick First Baptist Academy’s Theater Club, which consists of ninth-12th grade students, recently presented Disney’s “Peter Pan Jr.” The musical was based on the play by J.M. Barrie and the 1953 Disney film. The high school cast and crew contained 52 students. Peter Pan is the story of the boy who wouldn’t grow […]

Residents join in on royal festivities

Residents join in on royal festivities

With all the royal wedding grandeur going on recently, senior residents of Presbyterian Village North (PVN) fancied partaking in a tea party to commemorate the posh societal event and internationally famous love story. Leading up to the big event, Sherries Tea Party put on a smashing get-together for the residents. Attendees were encouraged to dress […]

Bath House welcomes brilliant bald visitor

Bath House welcomes brilliant bald visitor

This striking bald eagle graced the shores of The Bath House Cultural Center recently. The bald eagle is both the national bird and national animal of the United States of America. The Bath House Cultural Center, built in 1930, is the oldest cultural center in the City of Dallas. Congratulations, Enrique Fernandez! You just won […]

Foil Packet Fish with Romesco

Foil Packet Fish with Romesco

Recipe and photo by Sara Newberry Fish: 2 pounds mild white fish fillets, such as turbot, halibut, or cod 2 lemons, sliced 8 sprigs oregano Salt, pepper, and olive oil Romesco Sauce: ¼ cup sliced almonds 6 garlic cloves 1 teaspoon red chile flakes 1 can tomato paste 1 cup roasted red pepper pieces 3 […]

Play is beautiful, brutal at the same time

Play is beautiful, brutal at the same time

By Shari Goldstein Stern An autistic 11-year-old child, his overwhelmed mother, an insensitive musician father who “shows up” after re-marrying an intrusive, thin, young, and beautiful stepmom make for an interesting story. When the playwright has lived it, the play becomes brilliant theater. “Self Injurious Behavior,” (SIB) now playing at Theatre Too through Sunday, June […]

Vargas ready to inspire women in recovery

Vargas ready to inspire women in recovery

The Magdalen House, a no-cost recovery community for alcoholic women, announced this week that its 2nd Annual “Leave a Legacy” dinner is on Thursday, Oct. 11. The keynote speaker is award-winning anchor and correspondent Elizabeth Vargas, most recognized as ABC’s “20/20” anchor. Vargas will share her experience dealing with her alcoholism and anxiety on a […]