Going to market?

By Nancy Black This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed home This little piggy ate roast beef This little piggy had none This little piggy went wee, wee, wee all the way home. Now I get it. My mother wasn’t just playing with my toes. She was teaching me about society — […]

Nature has the Rx

By Nancy Black It looked like a little baboon’s bottom sticking up in the air, all red and raw. What was a human mother to do? My own mother suggested cod liver oil. What? Cod liver oil? It turns out it is the main ingredient in Desitin, the diaper rash cream. How in the world […]

Cruel and unusual weather

By Nancy Black When it’s 98 degrees outside and you feel cool, you know you’re in Texas. I actually put on a sweater last Tuesday night because of the lovely chill in the air. It was 83 degrees at the time. I do not do heat well. I’m not very good during extreme cold spells […]

Murder, she wrote!

By Nancy Black I followed the directions exactly as written. I shook the can vigorously. I cleared all our pets from the yard. And then I moved my outstretched arm in a big, sweeping motion from left to right, as instructed. Less than two minutes later, they were dead. No, not the mosquitoes I was […]

From scooters to scars

By Nancy Black Am I the only one left in Dallas who remembers the monumental failure of moped rentals in the mid-70s? It sure seems that way. Not only have our community leaders destroyed our beloved city’s streets by allowing undocked bike-sharing loose on our neighborhoods, they have now unleashed rental scooters onto our already […]

The Island of Misfit Plants

By Nancy Black I kill succulents. Yes, the plants dubbed as “perfect for the North Texas climate” don’t last a week in my house or yard. I’ve tried everything: letting them dry out completely, letting them soak up water from the bottom, watering from the top, direct sunlight, indirect sunlight, inside, outside. It’s no use. […]

Sometimes life stinks

By Nancy Black Colorectal cancer. Mass murder at community newspaper. Plano’s very unpatriotic poop in our lake. Those were my notes to myself about possible subjects for this week’s editorial. Colorectal cancer because a childhood friend of mine just died, at the age of 53, from the disease. She wasn’t just any elementary school friend, […]

A glitter-free zone

By Nancy Black “Where is all this glitter coming from?!?!” I cried out those words to my household members this week as I walked our hallways spying little bits of sparkles randomly appearing at my feet. My dog and cats didn’t answer, but my teenager swears they had nothing to do with it. Must have […]

You can’t CON me, Dallas!

By Nancy Black I have the distinct pleasure of being the parent of a media-crazed 14-year-old. Part of that joy is traveling with a teenager to Pop Con conventions. One, called PAX West, is in Seattle each year. PAX South is in San Antonio. And IndyPopCon? Well, it’s in Indy. While my child is wandering […]

Be a Water Watcher for life

By Nancy Black Yes, I finally did it; I broke down and spent the big bucks for a pool. It darn near broke my piggy bank, too. But, I’m telling you all, that was the best $8.99 I have ever spent. Some might refer to our new backyard pleasure circle as a “kiddie pool.” It’s […]